
Denmark's leading hospital partner for virtualization of health services.

Viewcare is Denmark’s leading telecommunications company for hospitals.

Since 2009, we have participated in and delivered some of the most innovative and visible projects in Danish hospitals.


Read more about Viewcare’s various solutions for the Hospital area.

Watch videos further down about remote patient monitoring and patient advantage.


In an outpatient clinic, patients meet their appointment with the doctor directly through their tablet or smartphone. This saves the patient unnecessary transport time and increases the number of attendants. Medical resources are better utilized and waste times are reduced.


Based on Mayo Clinic technology, Viewcare offers BODYGUARDIAN. A simple small patch-based recording device that replaces Holter, Event and Telemetry.

Remote patient monitoring (eng)

Hanne Jenkins tells about her advantage with Viewcares solutions (da)

Danmarks førende partner til virtualisering af service- og sundhedsydelser for hospitaler.

Viewcare er Danmarks førende virksomhed inden for telesundhed på hospitalsområdet.

Siden 2009 har vi deltaget i og leveret nogle af de mest innovative og synlige projekter på danske sygehuse.


Læs her på siden om Viewcare’s hospitalsløsninger.

Se også videoer om remote patientmontorering og om patientfordele.


I et virtuelt ambulatorie møder patienter til deres aftaler med lægen direkte via deres tablet eller smartphone. Det sparer patienten for unødig transporttid og øger samtidig antallet af fremmødte. De lægefaglige ressourcer udnyttes bedre og spildtid reduceres.


Baseret på teknologi fra Mayo Clinic tilbyder Viewcare BODYGUARDIAN. En enkel lille plasterbaseret optageenhed, som erstatter Holter, Event og Telemetri.

Hjertemonitorering på afstand. (eng)
